For a time today, this was the top story at This was reported by Crooks and Liars. Shortly afterward, this story was toppled from the top spot by some Argl-Brgl about Hillary’s emails. I know. Shocking, right? Hillary’s emails? What is this, August, 2016? Anyway, as Crooks and Liars reported, this was the top story on Fox News for some time today. Why does this matter? Well, for lots of reasons, but mainly, because immigration is brand new all over again within the trump administration. After the humiliating failure on trump’s part to pass a Billionaire Tax Relief Bill disguised as health care reform,Read More →

Do you like jokes? Funny ones? Knee-slapping, tell-your-friends-the-very-next-time-you-see-them funny? Jokes so goddamned hilarious that Dane Cook would murder his entire family for the chance to finally get a joke his audience would laugh at? Well, get a load of this doozy shared by our president last Friday while speaking to a bunch of cops in New York: “When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon. You just see them thrown in — rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice.’ Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head. I said, ‘You can takeRead More →

Reince Priebus – Chief of Staff; jumped (pushed?) Sean Spicer – Press Secretary; jumped Rex Tillerson – Secretary of State; threatened to jump, was talked down Michael Dubke – Communications Director; jumped Walter Shaub – Director, Office of Government Ethics; jumped James Comey – FBI Director; pushed Michael Flynn – National Security Advisor; pushed Sally Yates – Acting Attorney General; pushed Preet Bharara – U.S. Attorney; pushed Katie Walsh – Deputy Chief of Staff; jumped Melania Trump – First Lady; attempted to jump; yanked back by leash These are the high-profile members of the ss trump who either jumped or were pushed overboard since thisRead More →

Yeah, I know, everyone’s quoting Queen every time they reference Anthony Scaramucci, but don’t hate the game, hate the player who makes himself such an easy fucking target. Little Douche the Mooch is trying to out-Stephen-Miller Stephen Miller. Remember Stephen Miller, the thin-featured 80s action-movie-villain who swore that the president’s powers would not be questioned? Well, Little Douche the Mooch won’t play second fiddle to such a weaselly looking twerp, and is quickly establishing himself as the second most famous character from American Psycho to come to life in the trump administration (those reflective aviator sunglasses aren’t going to date-rape themselves, you know). So howRead More →

This was posted as a comment elsewhere, but I intended it to be used here, as well.   Some years ago, McCain billed himself as a maverick, and the media fell for it, because no one wants to criticize a man who was a POW for five years. It would just seem untoward, so McCain remade himself into a sort of Anthony Fremont who knew that people were afraid of holding him accountable for his actions. He coasted on this for years. But something else was happening. McCain’s captivity demons resided right beneath the surface, and any time anyone mistreated him poorly enough, he recoiledRead More →

I decided to take a month off from this. Every now and then, one must give ones’ self a break from the bullshit, and since this isn’t my actual paying job, I felt no urgency to keep up with it at a daily pace. Trying to keep up with trump’s daily slights against humanity can be demoralizing. But, a month has passed. Back to it. I don’t think the president has ever sent mixed messages on how he feels about all of the improper actions that the Clintons took and certainly were involved in over the course of the last several years, and I thinkRead More →

  This evening, on MSNBC’s Meet The Press Daily, a pundit—or maybe it was a strategist, or perhaps it was a consultant, or an advisor, or a contributor, or whatever other fancy title news channels give to the dozens of mouths they pay to gaze at their own navels—was attempting to spin Jon Ossoff’s loss in Georgia’s 6th district yesterday as a positive by declaring that Ossoff’s close campaign forced the GOP to spend more money to win that seat than they have in any other congressional election in history. That was a stupid statement. Here’s why. Imagine an Atlanta Falcon’s fan saying on theRead More →

  In 2011, Representative Gabby Giffords was shot in the head during a public appearance in Tucson, Arizona. The day after the shooting, Pamela Gellar wrote this on Breitbart (I won’t link to that shit-hole, but just put the quote into the Google thingy and it’ll take you where you need to go for a citation): When Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head and six others were killed Saturday morning by a gunman Jared Loughner, the left wing smear machine went into high gear. So, today, while right-wingers were busy flooding social media with “outrage” that anyone might treat the shooting ofRead More →

  “Do you like spy fiction?” This was the burning question Sen. Tom Cotton (F*–Arkansas) had for Attorney General Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions during Sessions’ testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the trump campaign/administration’s probably collusion with Russia in order to steal an election. You see, Cotton was pulling a funny, by insinuating that the accusations being levied against trump, his fluffers, and anyone else connected to his administration are even more fantastically unbelievable than the plots of zany spy movies starring characters like Jason Bourne and James Bond. Or, some other people might argue that Tom Cotton was feeling out Sessions’ willingness to bypassRead More →

  To whom do national political appointees owe their allegiance: the people who appoint them, or the American people? Does their oath ask them to protect and defend the president, or the citizens?   Both NSA Director Mike Rogers and National Intelligence Director Dan Coats today refused to answer questions posed to them by the Senate committee tasked with their oversight. Both Rogers and Coats claimed that the reason for them refusing to answer questions from the Oversight Committee was that they didn’t feel answering the questions were appropriate. When pressed by numerous members of the Oversight Committee to clarify whether the information they wereRead More →