Strange Fruit Hanging from Pepsi Jenner Trees
By now we’ve all seen or heard or read about Pepsi’s ill-advised advertisement that stars…Karlio?…Kristal?…Kobayashi?…Somebody Jenner solving Our Racist Problem by handing a Pepsi to a cop who is curiously not geared up like a grunt during a playful protest filled with youthful, artsy, and hyper-aware-yet-eternally-hopeful-but-angry-enough-to-dance-in-defiance Benetton models. By now we all know the snarky responses both Pepsi and Kabuki Jenner received as a result of their ridiculously stupid ad, but, aside from the reaction and the ensuing mea culpa from Pepsi, did we really learn anything from this? Let’s break it down, because it’s deserving of a bit of a dissection. The two-and-a-half-minute-longRead More →