A teenage girl in Paradise Valley, Arizona received swastika-decorated cupcakes for her birthday by friends who thought they were being funny, because we have failed to remember that the Holocaust wasn’t a whimsical happening, and our new “alt-right” reality is gunning to relive one of history’s most horrific episodes, because this time, it’s going to end well for everyone.

source: http://www.12news.com/news/local/valley/birthday-party-marred-by-swastika-cupcakes/356273071


Meanwhile, in Russia…

On Russian TV, “Ice Age” a show similar to Dancing With the Stars, but with ice skates, and Holocaust costumes, two Russian performers got perfect marks for doing a Holocaust-themed ice dance, complete with striped costumes, gaunt-looking makeup, barking dogs, machine-gun fire, and rousing applause.

source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/28/world/europe/holocaust-ice-dance-russia.html?_r=0