Almost 75% of the roughly 1.2 million abortions occurring in America annually, DO NOT OCCUR in Planned Parenthood facilities.  Yet the interminable crusade to strip them of funding persists unabated. Republican politicians are ignoring all of those other clinics and the 900,000 abortions they provided because they really don’t care about ending abortion.  They want a high profile scalp. They just want to take down a “name brand” to thrill their base. They don’t want a solution.  They want the issue! It is essential to point out that Republicans and anti-choice advocates persistently refuse to acknowledge the simple concept that explains exactly how Planned ParenthoodRead More →

*Yellow journalism  — journalism  that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. We have all seen Trump’s recent tweeting contending that Hillary was the true culprit of colluding with Russians to frame Trump.  Wonder where that is coming from?   Well I saw the following story this morning at Yahoo: Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along Investor’s Business Daily 17 hours ago “Russia Investigation: It’s beginning to look as if claims of monstrous collusion between Russian officials and U.S. political operatives were true. But it wasn’t Donald Trump who was guilty of Russian collusion. ItRead More →

  A day that will live in infamy. It was “surf’s up” for every news outlet with an editorial board. Oh, let’s give it a name, shall we?  How about: — “The Fiasco in Finland” — “The Stinky in Helsinki.” — “The Treason Summit.” Morning-after parade of headlines from around the globe. —  Putin scores hole-in-one at The Collusion Open. —  Putin to Apprentice: “You’re Hired” —  Kyrie eleison. Miserere nobis Since I can’t be everywhere at once, I have to assume that some astute commentator* has pointed out by now, that Trump neither said anything, nor did anything in Helsinki, that he has notRead More →

…. and render all My stuff back to where it belongs!” – Jehovah This 72-foot “Statue of Liberation Through Christ” towers over a suburban Memphis intersection.  She out-glorifies even the World Outreach Dome behind her, a megachurch that opened in 2001. The statue itself was unveiled with much fanfare on July 4, 2006. [Special effects by L.D.]Read More →

Ever since dotard g trump descended the trump Tower escalator 3 years ago today to announce his intention to pull off his biggest con ever, pundits, politicos, and regular, everyday people have tried to nail down his appeal to his base, which continues to provide him with the greatest approval rating of any president, ever. It’s scary, but it’s true. No other president in history has enjoyed as much support among his own party than trump enjoys among Republicans. trump’s support among Republicans has never dipped below 77%, and that only happened on one occasion, in the second week of December, 2017. He currently enjoysRead More →

The Seven German Words that capture an essence of this era of Trump Misadministration. Backpfeifengesicht: In German, this means “a face that deserves to be punched.” Weltschmerz: Translates literally to “world pain.”  The sickening exasperation one feels at the state of the world. Fernweh: The feeling of wanting to be anywhere but where you are at this moment . Kuddelmuddel: The chaos of a hopelessly messy, unstructured state of affairs. Kummerspeck: Literally, “grief bacon.”  A politically induced stress over-eating disorder. Fuchsteufelswild: A persistent state of unfiltered, primal rage. Fremdschaemen: Functionally similar to ‘schadenfreude’; a projection of shame on behalf of any member of the TrumpRead More →

I want to thank Honey Crisis for inspiring this commentary. Back in the early days of the mainstream Internet, the term social media didn’t really exist as part of our cultural consciousness. There were chat engines that allowed people to communicate in real time, but providing instant feedback on news events wasn’t really a thing then. However, in the realm of chat programs, people could develop a persona and become somewhat “famous” in their own little chat-dom. I, myself, even made a tiny bit of a name for myself in Excite’s Virtual Places. For many people, that little taste of recognition became an addiction, and withRead More →

5/18/2018 —  9:11 am. Special Bulletin to Liberal Media outlets;  (Confidential: sensitive information.  DO NOT SHARE) This photo, taken earlier today at an undisclosed mustering facility,  shows our elite corp of special teenage operatives as they were preparing for rapid deployment air transport to Santa Fe High School outside Houston, Texas.  These highly trained “crisis actors” take this time to review their special instructions packets uploaded to smart phones which contain essential situational intelligence and scripted responses they will need before dispersing at the crime scene to confront press cameras.   Among this exceptional group of young patriots are some veteran actors from previous massRead More →